


ushort PR;
ushort GR0;
ushort GR1;
ushort GR2;
ushort GR3;
ushort GR4;
ushort GR5;
ushort GR6;

ushort[65536] memory;

struct FLAG_REG {
//  uchar OF : 1;
//  uchar SF : 1;
//  uchar ZF : 1;
	bit OF;
	bit SF;
	bit ZF;

FLAG_REG flag_reg;

 * 第一ワード : 4 bit 区切りで,それぞれ |主 OP | 副 OP | レジスタ 1 | レジスタ 2|
 * 第二ワード : アドレス (無い命令もある)

int MAIN_OP(int W1) { return ((W1 & 0xf000) >> 12); }
int SUB_OP(int W1)  { return ((W1 & 0x0f00) >> 8); }
int R1(int W1)      { return ((W1 & 0x00f0) >> 4); }
int R2(int W1)      { return (W1 & 0x000f); }

int NOP(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x0) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* no operation */

int LD(int W1)      { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x1) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* load */
int ST(int W1)      { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x1) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x1)); } /* store */
int LAD(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x1) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x2)); } /* load address */
int LD(int W1)      { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x1) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x3)); } /* load */

int ADDA(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x2) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* add arithmetic */
int SUBA(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x2) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x1)); } /* subtract arithmetic */
int ADDL(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x2) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x2)); } /* add logical */
int SUBL(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x2) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x3)); } /* subtract logical */
int ADDA(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x2) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x4)); } /* add arithmetic */
int SUBA(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x2) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x5)); } /* subtract arithmetic */
int ADDL(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x2) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x6)); } /* add logical */
int SUBL(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x2) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x7)); } /* subtract logical */

int AND(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x3) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* and */
int OR(int W1)      { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x3) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x1)); } /* or */
int XOR(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x3) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x2)); } /* exclusive or */
int AND(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x3) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x3)); } /* and */
int OR(int W1)      { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x3) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x4)); } /* or */
int XOR(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x3) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x5)); } /* exclusive or */

int CPA(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x4) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* compare arithmetic */
int CPL(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x4) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x1)); } /* compare logical */
int CPA(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x4) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x2)); } /* compare arithmetic */
int CPL(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x4) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x3)); } /* compare logical */

int SLA(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x5) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* shift left arithmetic */
int SRA(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x5) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x1)); } /* shift right arithmetic */
int SLL(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x5) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x2)); } /* shift left logical */
int SRL(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x5) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x3)); } /* shift right logical */

int JMI(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x6) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x1)); } /* jump on minus */
int JNZ(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x6) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x2)); } /* jump on non zero */
int JZE(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x6) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x3)); } /* jump on zero */
int JUMP(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x6) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x4)); } /* unconditional jump */
int JPL(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x6) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x5)); } /* jump on plus */
int JOV(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x6) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x6)); } /* jump on overflow */

int PUSH(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x7) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* push */
int POP(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x7) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x1)); } /* pop */

int CALL(int W1)    { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x8) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* call subroutine */
int RET(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0x8) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x1)); } /* return from subroutine */

int SVC(int W1)     { return ((MAIN_OP(W1) == 0xf) && (SUB_OP(W1) == 0x0)); } /* supervisor call */


commet.d(38): function commet.LD conflicts with commet.LD at commet.d(35)
commet.d(44): function commet.ADDA conflicts with commet.ADDA at commet.d(40)
commet.d(45): function commet.SUBA conflicts with commet.SUBA at commet.d(41)
commet.d(46): function commet.ADDL conflicts with commet.ADDL at commet.d(42)
commet.d(47): function commet.SUBL conflicts with commet.SUBL at commet.d(43)
commet.d(52): function commet.AND conflicts with commet.AND at commet.d(49)
commet.d(53): function commet.OR conflicts with commet.OR at commet.d(50)
commet.d(54): function commet.XOR conflicts with commet.XOR at commet.d(51)
commet.d(58): function commet.CPA conflicts with commet.CPA at commet.d(56)
commet.d(59): function commet.CPL conflicts with commet.CPL at commet.d(57)